How to make money on Instagram without 10k flowers

You don't necessarily need 10k followers on Instagram to make money. Here are some ways to make money on Instagram even if you have a smaller following:

  1. Sponsored posts for smaller brands: Smaller brands may be willing to work with influencers who have smaller followings. Reach out to brands in your niche and offer to create sponsored content for them.

  2. Affiliate marketing: You can still earn commissions through affiliate marketing even if you have a smaller following. Look for affiliate programs that are relevant to your niche and promote their products or services to your followers.

  3. Micro-influencer campaigns: Some brands specifically target micro-influencers, who have smaller followings but more engaged audiences. Look for opportunities to participate in micro-influencer campaigns.

  4. Sell your own products: You can use Instagram to promote and sell your own products, even if you don't have a large following. Focus on creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience to drive sales.

  5. Sponsored giveaways: You can host sponsored giveaways on your Instagram account and charge brands to participate. This can be a great way to earn money and grow your following at the same time.

Remember, building a successful Instagram account and making money takes time and effort. Focus on creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and building relationships with brands in your niche

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